Introducing Instant Master Account: a program that skips the evaluation phase entirely, giving you immediate access to the Master Account and the opportunity to start earning from day one!
Simply, adhere to our rules and meet the requirements to become eligible for profit withdrawals.
No Challenge Phase ✅
No Profit Target ✅
No Margin Rule ✅
No Time Limit ✅
Holding Overnight and Holding Over Weekend - Allowed ✅
MAX DRAWDOWN on the Instant Master Account
5% limit
on your Instant Master Account, the Max Drawdown is trailing, calculated from your account’s highest balance. Learn more about drawdowns here.
DAILY DRAWDOWN on the Instant Master Account
3% limit
Daily Drawdown is calculated from your balance at the end of the previous day. A violation occurs if an open position pushes your equity below this drawdown limit.
MINIMUM PROFITABLE DAYS on the Instant Master Account
You must trade for at least 7 days to meet this requirement. A Profitable Day is defined as any day where the end-of-day balance exceeds the previous day’s balance by at least 0.5%.
NO TIME LIMIT on the Instant Master Account
There is no time limit for fulfilling the requirement on your Instant Master Account.
HOLDING Over Weekend and Overnight
Allowed on our Instant Master Account!
NEWS TRADING on the Instant Master Account
On our Instant Master Account, you may hold trades over news events but cannot open new trades within five minutes before or after a high-impact news release.
For complete details and examples, please click here.
An account is considered inactive if there is no meaningful trading activity for 7 consecutive days.
For more details, click here.
PROFIT SPLIT on the Instant Master Account
Your first profit split is 70%, then increases by 5% with each subsequent payout, up to a maximum of 90%.
REWARDS on the Master Account
Bi-weekly (every 14 days). The minimum reward is set at 100 USD.
NO MARGIN RULE on the Instant Master Account
There is no 40% Margin Rule on our Instant Master Account!
MAX ALLOCATION and your Instant Master Account
You can have a Maximum of 100k allocated in your Instant Master Accounts and another 100k in your Master Accounts (from your Challenges). 💰✅
CONSISTENCY on the Instant Master Account
There is a 15% consistency rule only on the Instant Master Account.
Your best day's profit must not exceed 15% of your total profit. If your best day's profit equals or surpasses this percentage, you must continue trading until it falls below 15% of your total profit.
Example: If you earn $200 on your first day, and this amount is your total profit, your Consistency rule would be at 100%. If you make another $200 on your second day, bringing your total profit to $400, your best day now represents 50% of your total profit. To comply with the Consistency rule, you need to increase your total profit until your best day's earnings are less than 15% of the total.
The consistency rule only applies to our Instant Master Account plans. Other account types do not have this rule.
This is just an overview of the key rules for the Instant Master Account. Below are some examples of forbidden practices on our platform:
Using Expert Advisors (EAs)
High-Frequency Trading (HFT)
For a complete list of what is allowed or forbidden—along with more details about these rules—please visit our Rules Page.
If you're unsure about our rules, please reach out to our specialized support team. As experienced traders themselves, they understand the challenges you face and are ready to help.